domingo, 2 de fevereiro de 2020

Papermau Is Back!

Papermau is back! There are nine years of work to be reviewed and posted again. Wish me luck and don't forget to follow the blog. Have fun! - Mauther
Papermau está de volta! São nove anos de trabalho para ser revisado e postado novamente. Desejem-me sorte e não esqueçam de seguir o blog. Divirtam-se! - Mauther

6 comentários:

  1. Fico feliz com a volta do blog, sentimos sua falta! boa sorte nesse novo começo!!!

  2. Thanks for the heads up. Have really missed papermau!
    Got to ask, was the model in the photo above ever posted?

    1. Hello, JT,

      Thanks for the visit and kind words.

      No, this model is just for sale, sorry.

      Greetings from Brazil!


  3. Thanks. Can you tell me who sells it?
